Douglas McCormick is the CEO of WYG.
Douglas McCormick is the CEO of WYG.
LISA-JAYNE COOK - Episode 026
Lisa is on the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Refrigeration, a Member of the Women's Engineering Society a Director at ACRIB - the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Board and a STEMazing Woman.
In 2019 Lisa was named in the prestigious WES Top 50 Female Engineers list and works tirelessly to champion women in engineering and to raise the profile of the refrigeration industry. With over 22 years' experience Lisa draws on her vast knowledge to help the next generation of talent understand engineering and the amazing career opportunities open in the STEM fields.
LISA's show notes.
02.00 Lisa's route into Engineering.
06.15 How Lisa earnt her BTECH Level 3 in Engineering.
09.34 How we enthuse the next generation into engineering.
11.30 What Lisa's #1 piece of advice would be to someone starting out in engineering.
14.08 It is important for the next generation to understand the challenges ahead, how do we best explained this.
15.48 Lisa is a huge advocate for diversity and inclusion - how can we best promote females role models within engineering.
19.28 What myths Lisa would like to dispel about engineering.
22.40 How can we better promote engineering.
27.04 What are the biggest challenges ahead for engineering.
30.55 The mentors Lisa has had during her career.
33.24 How Lisa keeps motivated.
37.08 Who has been Lisa's biggest inspiration.
40.38 Why is there a skills shortage in engineering.
46.25 What changes Lisa has seen during her 22 years in industry and what further changes are needed.
49.12 How Lisa continually develops herself.
51.56 What the future holds for Lisa.
Ellie Carter is a Pilot and STEM Ambassador
Sophie Harker is a Senior Aerodynamicist at BAE Systems
connect with LISA.